The Career & Education Advisory Council has a meeting on Thursday, April 30th. To join via Zoom meeting, here’s how: Topic: Career & Education Advisory Council Meeting Time: 1:00-2:30pm Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 267 831 0333 US (Philadelphia) +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) +1 346 248 7799
Category: Uncategorized
CEAC Meeting Update
The Career & Education Advisory Council Meeting for March 31st has been rescheduled for April 3oth. Here are the instructions to join the meeting: Join Zoom Meeting Link: Please use the following link to join our CEAC meeting virtually. We’ll show slides / materials in real-time through the screensharing option. Meeting ID: 430 221
Detroit at Work: A Message to Detroit Employers
Dear Detroit at Work Employer Partners, Last night, I talked directly to State of Michigan – Labor and Economic Opportunity leadership about their plans to support small businesses during this time. While we expect more details to follow later today, there is immediate guidance from the State for employers on how to treat layoffs as
DESC RFP Bidders Conference Information
DESC RFP Applicants Conference Information On behalf of the Mayor’s Workforce Development Board (MWDB), the Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation (DESC) invites you to attend applicants’ conferences for two RFPs: Career Center Services and WIOA Year-Round Youth Services. Space is limited so we strongly encourage you to RSVP to Below is the location and parking
DESC Offices and Career Centers Closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday

DESC Offices and Detroit at Work Career Centers will be closed in observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday on Thursday, Nov. 22 and Friday, Nov. 23. Offices and Career Centers will re-open at normal business hours on Monday, Nov. 26. We hope you have a safe holiday.
DESC Offices and Career Centers Closed for Election Day

DESC Offices and Detroit at Work Career Centers will be closed in observance of Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 6. Offices and Career Centers will re-open at normal business hours on Wednesday, Nov. 7.
Flex-N-Gate auto parts supplier opens new facility in Detroit
DETROIT – A global auto parts supplier is up and running at Detroit’s Interstate 94 Industrial Park. Flex-N-Gate Detroit owner Shad Khan, Gov. Rick Snyder and Mayor Mike Duggan officially opened the $160 million, 480,000-square-foot, or 44,593-square-meter, facility on Monday. The city said it’s the largest investment in Detroit by an auto supplier in more than 20 years. Flex-N-Gate makes exterior trim
DESC Offices and Career Centers Closed for Veterans Day

DESC Offices and Detroit at Work Career Centers will be closed in observance of Veterans Day, Monday, Nov. 12. Offices and Career Centers will re-open at normal business hours on Tuesday, Nov. 13. We hope you have a safe holiday.