The Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation Board of Directors is responsible for oversight of DESC’s day to day operations. Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation is the fiscal and administrative agent designated by the Mayor and the Mayor’s Workforce Development Board (MWDB), a board appointed by the Mayor. The MWBD is responsible for policy planning, oversight and evaluation of programs and services provided by DESC for the city of Detroit.
Members of both these boards are as follows:
DESC Board
- Alice Thompson Board Chair, Black Family Development (Retired)
- Dannis Mitchell Board Vice Chair, Barton Malow
- Chris Uhl Board Treasurer, IFF
- Lena Barkley Board Secretary, CVS Health
- Ric Preuss IBEW Local 58
- Gail Taylor Vice President, JP Morgan Chase
- Rian Barnhill Olympia Development of Michigan
- Terri Weems Group Executive, Workforce & Detroit at Work
- John Perkins Business Representative, Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters Local 687
- Matthew Closs Training Director, IUOE LOCAL 324
MWDB Members
- Alice Thompson
President and Chief Executive Officer
Black Family Development (Retired) - Andra Rush
Chief Executive Officer
Dakkota Integrated Systems - Angelique Power
President & CEO
Skillman Foundation - Bill Kingsley
Managing Director
UHY Advisors - Bruce Dall
Motor City Casino & Hotel - Byron Osbern
Business Representative
IBEW Local 58 - Carla Walker-Miller
Walker-Miller Energy Services, LLC - Christine Estereicher
VP of Public Affairs in North America
Stellantis - Dr. Colleen Allen
President & CEO
Autism Alliance of Michigan - Conrad Mallett, Jr.
Corporation Counsel
City of Detroit - Dr. Curtis Ivery
Wayne County Community College District - Dr. Darienne Driver-Hudson
President & Chief Executive Officer
United Way of Southeast Michigan - Denise Brooks
Executive Vice President and CEO, Care Delivery System Operation
Henry Ford Health - Jeff Donofrio
President & CEO
Business Leaders for Michigan - Jonathan Nipper
Boston Consulting Group - Joshua Sirefman
Michigan Central Station - Dr. Kimberly Espy
Wayne State University - Kofi Bonner
Bedrock - Mark Gaffney
President Emeritus, MI AFL-CIO and WSU Board of Governors
Teamsters Local Union 214 - Mark Reuss
General Motors - Michelle Sourie-Robinson
President & CEO
Michigan Minority Supplier Development Council - Mike Aaron
Business Manager
Laborers’ Local 1191 - Mike McLauchlan
Vice President of Government Relations
Illitch Holdings - Mike Haller
Walbridge - Mike Pemble
Acting Director
Bureau of Services for Blind Persons - Dr. Nikolai Vitti
Detroit Public Schools - Rashida Patterson
Vice President – Global HR GBS & Talent Acquisition
Lear Corporation - Sylvester Hester
President & CEO
LM Manufacturing